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Web Page
2018 September 01
Move from The Badlands KOA to Custer South Dakota some of the land around the badlands

and of course the camp site in Custer right on the creek.

and the route to get there

You will notice that the track is not all the way thats because there
were no digipeaters [ digital repeaters] or internet gateways, until
near Scenic.
September 02
Custer had a nice Studebaker show on the street in frount of the visiter center.

After that I took a drive up the Needles highway in Custer State Park
which is a very twisty narrow road with three tunnels only a
single lane wide 8 foot wide and 9 foot high each not some
thing I would want to try to get my travel trailer thru if I had a
choice. If you are going to spend any time in the state
parks of South Dakota I suggest you get the yearly pass as you get
waved thru the entrance for each park at no additional cost.

Then on to the Crazy Horse memorial for a visit.

September 03
Today I took the round about in Custer State
Park that is the other side of the neddles highway loop and visited
with some of the indigenous animal population of the park.

These little critters are every where.
As you can see from this picture they also have a few Bison but you
have to get off the paved roads to see them as the herds keep to them
selves as much as possible. Rush hour on the park road Custer
State park South Dakota....

and spent the afternoon in Keystone South Dakota a really nice little town.

September 04
A visit to the wind cave national park near Custer

Wind cave is a dry cave so no driping water to form stallagmites or
other neat formations. It does have some rare formations that not
may other caves have

and then on to Hot Springs SD which has some really nice older buildings.

September 05
Today Jewel cave another cave close to Custer SD. But first I
arrived at the cave and found a family that I had taken the wind cave
tour with yesterday who had to small girls the one below seems to have
my number and is not sure if she can trust me or not.

Jewel Cave is a wet cave and has some of the formations that you might expect there.

and after all was said and done the very nice family that joined me in both caves

September 06
Travel from Custer SD to Cheyenne Wyoming
Not much to take a picture of but the wind was pretty high and made driving difficult.

September 07 day of rest
THE END for now..........